Source code for imputegap.algorithms.cdrec

import time
import ctypes as __native_c_types_import;

from import utils

[docs] def native_cdrec(__py_matrix, __py_rank, __py_epsilon, __py_iterations): """ Perform matrix imputation using the CDRec algorithm with native C++ support. Parameters ---------- __py_matrix : numpy.ndarray The input matrix with missing values (NaNs). __py_rank : int The truncation rank for matrix decomposition (must be greater than 0 and less than the number of columns). __py_epsilon : float The epsilon value, used as the threshold for stopping iterations based on difference. __py_iterations : int The maximum number of allowed iterations for the algorithm. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The recovered matrix after imputation. References ---------- Khayati, M., Cudré-Mauroux, P. & Böhlen, M.H. Scalable recovery of missing blocks in time series with high and low cross-correlations. Knowl Inf Syst 62, 2257–2280 (2020). """ shared_lib = utils.load_share_lib("") __py_n = len(__py_matrix); __py_m = len(__py_matrix[0]); assert (__py_rank >= 0); assert (__py_rank < __py_m); assert (__py_epsilon > 0); assert (__py_iterations > 0); __ctype_size_n = __native_c_types_import.c_ulonglong(__py_n); __ctype_size_m = __native_c_types_import.c_ulonglong(__py_m); __ctype_rank = __native_c_types_import.c_ulonglong(__py_rank); __ctype_epsilon = __native_c_types_import.c_double(__py_epsilon); __ctype_iterations = __native_c_types_import.c_ulonglong(__py_iterations); # Native code uses linear matrix layout, and also it's easier to pass it in like this __ctype_matrix = utils.__marshal_as_native_column(__py_matrix); shared_lib.cdrec_imputation_parametrized(__ctype_matrix, __ctype_size_n, __ctype_size_m, __ctype_rank, __ctype_epsilon, __ctype_iterations); __py_imputed_matrix = utils.__marshal_as_numpy_column(__ctype_matrix, __py_n, __py_m); return __py_imputed_matrix;
[docs] def cdrec(incomp_data, truncation_rank, iterations, epsilon, logs=True, lib_path=None): """ CDRec algorithm for matrix imputation of missing values using Centroid Decomposition. Parameters ---------- incomp_data : numpy.ndarray The input matrix with contamination (missing values represented as NaNs). truncation_rank : int The truncation rank for matrix decomposition (must be greater than 1 and smaller than the number of series). epsilon : float The learning rate (stopping criterion threshold). iterations : int The maximum number of iterations allowed for the algorithm. logs : bool, optional Whether to log the execution time (default is True). lib_path : str, optional Custom path to the shared library file (default is None). Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The imputed matrix with missing values recovered. Example ------- >>> recov_data = cdrec(incomp_data=incomp_data, truncation_rank=1, iterations=100, epsilon=0.000001, logs=True) >>> print(recov_data) """ print(f"\t\t\t\t(PYTHON) CDRec: ({incomp_data.shape[0]},{incomp_data.shape[1]}) for rank {truncation_rank}, " f"epsilon {epsilon}, and iterations {iterations}...") start_time = time.time() # Record start time # Call the C++ function to perform recovery recov_data = native_cdrec(incomp_data, truncation_rank, epsilon, iterations) end_time = time.time() if logs: print(f"\n\t\t> logs, imputation cdrec - Execution Time: {(end_time - start_time):.4f} seconds\n") return recov_data