ImputeGAP can serve as a common test-bed for comparing the effectiveness and efficiency of time series imputation algorithms [33]. Users have full control over the benchmark by customizing various parameters, including the list of datasets to evaluate, the algorithms to compare, the choice of optimizer to fine-tune the algorithms on the chosen datasets, the missingness patterns, and the range of missing rates.
The benchmarking module can be utilized as follows:
from imputegap.recovery.benchmark import Benchmark
save_dir = "./analysis"
nbr_run = 2
datasets = ["eeg-alcohol", "eeg-reading"]
optimizer = {"optimizer": "ray_tune", "options": {"n_calls": 1, "max_concurrent_trials": 1}}
optimizers = [optimizer]
algorithms = ["MeanImpute", "CDRec", "STMVL", "IIM", "MRNN"]
patterns = ["missing_completely_at_random"]
range = [0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8]
# launch the analysis
list_results, sum_scores = Benchmark().eval(algorithms=algorithms, datasets=datasets, patterns=patterns, x_axis=range, optimizers=optimizers, save_dir=save_dir, runs=nbr_run)