imputegap.algorithms.stmvl package

The imputegap.algorithms.stmvl package contains various imputation algorithms used for handling missing values in time series data. This package supports multiple imputation techniques like CDRec, MRNN, IIM, and more.



imputegap.algorithms.stmvl.native_stmvl(__py_matrix, __py_window, __py_gamma, __py_alpha)[source]

Perform matrix imputation using the STMVL algorithm with native C++ support.



The input matrix with missing values (NaNs).


The window size for the temporal component in the STMVL algorithm.


The smoothing parameter for temporal weight (0 < gamma < 1).


The power for the spatial weight.



The recovered matrix after imputation.


The STMVL algorithm leverages temporal and spatial relationships to recover missing values in a matrix. The native C++ implementation is invoked for better performance.


>>> recov_data = stmvl(incomp_data=incomp_data, window_size=2, gamma=0.85, alpha=7)
>>> print(recov_data)


Yi, X., Zheng, Y., Zhang, J., & Li, T. ST-MVL: Filling Missing Values in Geo-Sensory Time Series Data. School of Information Science and Technology, Southwest Jiaotong University; Microsoft Research; Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

imputegap.algorithms.stmvl.stmvl(incomp_data, window_size, gamma, alpha, logs=True)[source]

CDREC algorithm for imputation of missing data :author: Quentin Nater

  • incomp_data – time series with contamination

  • window_size – window size for temporal component

  • gamma – smoothing parameter for temporal weight

  • alpha – power for spatial weight

  • logs – print logs of time execution


recov_data, metrics : all time series with imputation data and their metrics