import os
import time
from itertools import product
import numpy as np
from imputegap.recovery.imputation import Imputation
from import utils
import as sh_params
from ray import tune
import ray
from functools import partial
import pyswarms as ps
import skopt
from import Integer
from pyswarms.utils.reporter import Reporter
reporter = Reporter()
class BaseOptimizer:
A base class for optimization of imputation algorithm hyperparameters.
Provides structure and common functionality for different optimization strategies.
Abstract method to evaluate the imputation algorithm with the provided parameters. Must be implemented by subclasses.
optimize(input_data, incomp_data, metrics, algorithm, **kwargs):
Abstract method for the main optimization process. Must be implemented by subclasses.
def __init__(self):
def _objective(self, **kwargs):
Abstract objective function for optimization.
This method evaluates the imputation algorithm with the provided parameters and computes the error
across the selected metrics. The exact implementation depends on the optimization method.
Since different optimization methods (e.g., Particle Swarm, Bayesian) may require different inputs,
the parameters of this function are passed as keyword arguments (**kwargs). Subclasses should
implement this method with the required parameters for the specific optimization.
**kwargs : dict
Parameters needed to evaluate the imputation algorithm, such as:
- input_data : numpy.ndarray
The ground truth time series dataset.
- contamination : numpy.ndarray
The contaminated time series dataset to impute.
- algorithm : str
The imputation algorithm name.
- metrics : list of str
List of selected metrics for optimization.
- params : dict or list
Parameter values for the optimization.
Mean error for the selected metrics.
raise NotImplementedError("Subclasses must implement the _objective method")
def optimize(self, input_data, incomp_data, metrics, algorithm, **kwargs):
Abstract method for optimization. Must be implemented in subclasses.
This method performs the optimization of hyperparameters for a given imputation algorithm. Each subclass
implements a different optimization strategy (e.g., Greedy, Bayesian, Particle Swarm) and uses the
`_objective` function to evaluate the parameters.
input_data : numpy.ndarray
The ground truth time series dataset.
incomp_data : numpy.ndarray
The contaminated time series dataset to impute.
metrics : list of str
List of selected metrics for optimization.
algorithm : str
The imputation algorithm to optimize.
**kwargs : dict
Additional parameters specific to the optimization strategy (e.g., number of iterations, particles, etc.).
A tuple containing the best parameters and their corresponding score.
raise NotImplementedError("Subclasses must implement the optimize method")
class Optimization:
A class for performing optimization of imputation algorithm hyperparameters.
This class contains methods for various optimization strategies such as Greedy, Bayesian, Particle Swarm,
and Successive Halving, used to find the best parameters for different imputation algorithms.
Greedy.optimize(input_data, incomp_data, metrics=["RMSE"], algorithm="cdrec", n_calls=250):
Perform greedy optimization for hyperparameters.
Bayesian.optimize(input_data, incomp_data, metrics=["RMSE"], algorithm="cdrec", n_calls=100, n_random_starts=50, acq_func='gp_hedge'):
Perform Bayesian optimization for hyperparameters.
ParticleSwarm.optimize(input_data, incomp_data, metrics, algorithm, n_particles, c1, c2, w, iterations, n_processes):
Perform Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) for hyperparameters.
SuccessiveHalving.optimize(input_data, incomp_data, metrics, algorithm, num_configs, num_iterations, reduction_factor):
Perform Successive Halving optimization for hyperparameters.
class Greedy(BaseOptimizer):
Greedy optimization strategy for hyperparameters.
def _objective(self, input_data, incomp_data, algorithm, metrics, params):
Objective function for Greedy optimization.
input_data : numpy.ndarray
The ground truth time series dataset.
incomp_data : numpy.ndarray
The contaminated time series dataset to impute.
algorithm : str
The imputation algorithm name.
metrics : list of str
List of selected metrics for optimization.
params : dict
The parameters for the imputation algorithm.
Mean error for the selected metrics.
errors = Imputation.evaluate_params(input_data, incomp_data, params, algorithm)
if not isinstance(metrics, list):
metrics = [metrics]
return np.mean([errors[metric] for metric in metrics])
def optimize(self, input_data, incomp_data, metrics=["RMSE"], algorithm="cdrec", n_calls=250):
Perform greedy optimization for hyperparameters.
input_data : numpy.ndarray
The ground truth time series dataset.
incomp_data : numpy.ndarray
The contaminated time series dataset to impute.
metrics : list of str, optional
List of selected metrics for optimization (default is ["RMSE"]).
algorithm : str, optional
The imputation algorithm to optimize (default is 'cdrec').
n_calls : int, optional
Number of calls to the objective function (default is 250).
A tuple containing the best parameters and their corresponding score.
start_time = time.time() # Record start time
# Map the parameter ranges to the algorithm-specific search space
param_ranges = ALL_ALGO_PARAMS[algorithm]
# Extract parameter names and their ranges for the selected algorithm
param_names = list(param_ranges.keys())
param_values = list(param_ranges.values())
# Generate all combinations of parameters in the search space
param_combinations = list(product(*param_values)) # Cartesian product of all parameter values
# Placeholder for the best parameters and their score
best_params = None
best_score = float('inf') # Assuming we are minimizing the objective function
run_count = 0
# Conduct greedy optimization over parameter combinations
for params in param_combinations:
if n_calls is not None and run_count >= n_calls:
# Convert params to a dictionary for compatibility
params_dict = {name: value for name, value in zip(param_names, params)}
# Calculate the score for the current set of parameters
score = self._objective(input_data, incomp_data, algorithm, metrics, params_dict)
# Update the best parameters if the current score is better
if score < best_score:
best_score = score
best_params = params_dict
# Increment the run counter
run_count += 1
end_time = time.time()
print(f"\n\t\t> logs, optimization greedy - Execution Time: {(end_time - start_time):.4f} seconds\n")
return best_params, best_score
class Bayesian(BaseOptimizer):
Bayesian optimization strategy for hyperparameters.
def _objective(self, input_data, incomp_data, algorithm, metrics, params):
Objective function for Bayesian optimization.
input_data : numpy.ndarray
The ground truth time series dataset.
incomp_data : numpy.ndarray
The contaminated time series dataset to impute.
algorithm : str
The imputation algorithm name.
metrics : list of str
List of selected metrics for optimization.
params : dict
Parameter values for the optimization.
Mean error for the selected metrics.
# Check if params is a dictionary or a list
if isinstance(params, dict):
param_values = tuple(params.values()) # Convert dictionary to tuple of values
param_values = tuple(params)
if not isinstance(metrics, list):
metrics = [metrics]
errors = Imputation.evaluate_params(input_data, incomp_data, param_values, algorithm)
return np.mean([errors[metric] for metric in metrics])
def optimize(self, input_data, incomp_data, metrics=["RMSE"], algorithm="cdrec", n_calls=100,
n_random_starts=50, acq_func='gp_hedge'):
Perform Bayesian optimization for hyperparameters.
input_data : numpy.ndarray
The ground truth time series dataset.
incomp_data : numpy.ndarray
The contaminated time series dataset to impute.
metrics : list of str, optional
List of selected metrics for optimization (default is ["RMSE"]).
algorithm : str, optional
The imputation algorithm to optimize (default is 'cdrec').
n_calls : int, optional
Number of calls to the objective function (default is 100).
n_random_starts : int, optional
Number of random initial points (default is 50).
acq_func : str, optional
Acquisition function for the Gaussian prior (default is 'gp_hedge').
A tuple containing the best parameters and their corresponding score.
start_time = time.time() # Record start time
search_spaces = SEARCH_SPACES
# Adjust the search space for 'cdrec' based on incomp_data
if algorithm == 'cdrec':
max_rank = incomp_data.shape[1] - 1
SEARCH_SPACES['cdrec'][0] = Integer(0, min(9, max_rank), name='rank') # Update the rank range
# Define the search space
space = search_spaces[algorithm]
# Conduct Bayesian optimization
optimizer = skopt.Optimizer(dimensions=space, n_initial_points=n_random_starts, acq_func=acq_func)
for i in range(n_calls):
suggested_params = optimizer.ask()
score = self._objective(input_data, incomp_data, algorithm, metrics, suggested_params)
optimizer.tell(suggested_params, score)
# Optimal parameters
optimal_params = optimizer.Xi[np.argmin(optimizer.yi)]
optimal_params_dict = {name: value for name, value in zip([ for dim in space], optimal_params)}
end_time = time.time()
print(f"\n\t\t> logs, optimization bayesian - Execution Time: {(end_time - start_time):.4f} seconds\n")
return optimal_params_dict, np.min(optimizer.yi)
class ParticleSwarm(BaseOptimizer):
Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) strategy for hyperparameters.
def _format_params(self, particle_params, algorithm):
Format parameters for the given algorithm.
particle_params : list
List of particle parameters.
algorithm : str
The imputation algorithm name.
Formatted list of parameters.
if algorithm == 'cdrec':
particle_params = [int(particle_params[0]), particle_params[1], int(particle_params[2])]
if algorithm == 'iim':
particle_params = [int(particle_params[0])]
elif algorithm == 'mrnn':
particle_params = [int(particle_params[0]), particle_params[1], int(particle_params[2])]
elif algorithm == 'stmvl':
particle_params = [int(particle_params[0]), particle_params[1], int(particle_params[2])]
return particle_params
def _objective(self, input_data, incomp_data, algorithm, metrics, params):
Objective function for Particle Swarm Optimization.
input_data : numpy.ndarray
The ground truth time series dataset.
incomp_data : numpy.ndarray
The contaminated time series dataset to impute.
algorithm : str
The imputation algorithm name.
metrics : list of str
List of selected metrics for optimization.
params : numpy.ndarray
Parameter values for the optimization.
Array of error values for each particle.
n_particles = params.shape[0] # Get the number of particles
# Initialize array to hold the errors for each particle
errors_for_all_particles = np.zeros(n_particles)
for i in range(n_particles): # Iterate over each particle
particle_params = self._format_params(params[i], algorithm) # Get the parameters for this particle
errors = Imputation.evaluate_params(input_data, incomp_data, tuple(particle_params), algorithm)
errors_for_all_particles[i] = np.mean([errors[metric] for metric in metrics])
return errors_for_all_particles
def optimize(self, input_data, incomp_data, metrics, algorithm, n_particles, c1, c2, w, iterations,
Perform Particle Swarm Optimization for hyperparameters.
input_data : numpy.ndarray
The ground truth time series dataset.
incomp_data : numpy.ndarray
The contaminated time series dataset to impute.
metrics : list of str, optional
List of selected metrics for optimization (default is ["RMSE"]).
algorithm : str, optional
The imputation algorithm to optimize (default is 'cdrec').
n_particles : int
Number of particles used in PSO.
c1 : float
PSO parameter, personal learning coefficient.
c2 : float
PSO parameter, global learning coefficient.
w : float
PSO parameter, inertia weight.
iterations : int
Number of iterations for the optimization.
n_processes : int
Number of processes during optimization.
A tuple containing the best parameters and their corresponding score.
start_time = time.time() # Record start time
if not isinstance(metrics, list):
metrics = [metrics]
# Define the search space
search_space = SEARCH_SPACES_PSO
if algorithm == 'cdrec':
max_rank = incomp_data.shape[1] - 1
search_space['cdrec'][0] = (search_space['cdrec'][0][0], min(search_space['cdrec'][0][1], max_rank))
# Select the correct search space based on the algorithm
bounds = search_space[algorithm]
# Convert search space to PSO-friendly format (two lists: one for min and one for max values for each parameter)
lower_bounds, upper_bounds = zip(*bounds)
bounds = (np.array(lower_bounds), np.array(upper_bounds))
# Call instance of PSO
optimizer = ps.single.GlobalBestPSO(n_particles=n_particles, dimensions=len(bounds[0]),
options={'c1': c1, 'c2': c2, 'w': w}, bounds=bounds)
# Perform optimization
objective_with_args = partial(self._objective, input_data, incomp_data, algorithm, metrics)
cost, pos = optimizer.optimize(objective_with_args, iters=iterations, n_processes=n_processes)
param_names = PARAM_NAMES
optimal_params = self._format_params(pos, algorithm)
optimal_params_dict = {param_name: value for param_name, value in
zip(param_names[algorithm], optimal_params)}
end_time = time.time()
print(f"\n\t\t> logs, optimization pso - Execution Time: {(end_time - start_time):.4f} seconds\n")
return optimal_params_dict, cost
class SuccessiveHalving(BaseOptimizer):
def _objective(self, errors_dict, metrics):
Objective function for Successive Halving optimization.
errors_dict : dict
Dictionary containing error metrics.
metrics : list of str
List of selected metrics for optimization.
Mean error for the selected metrics.
selected_errors = [errors_dict[metric] for metric in metrics]
return np.mean(selected_errors)
def optimize(self, input_data, incomp_data, metrics, algorithm, num_configs, num_iterations,
Perform Successive Halving optimization for hyperparameters.
input_data : numpy.ndarray
The ground truth time series dataset.
incomp_data : numpy.ndarray
The contaminated time series dataset to impute.
metrics : list of str, optional
List of selected metrics for optimization (default is ["RMSE"]).
algorithm : str, optional
The imputation algorithm to optimize (default is 'cdrec').
num_configs : int
Number of configurations to try.
num_iterations : int
Number of iterations for the optimization.
reduction_factor : int
Reduction factor for the number of configurations kept after each iteration.
A tuple containing the best parameters and their corresponding score.
start_time = time.time() # Record start time
if not isinstance(metrics, list):
metrics = [metrics]
# Define the parameter names for each algorithm
param_names = PARAM_NAMES
data_length = len(input_data)
chunk_size = data_length // num_iterations
# prepare configurations for each algorithm separately
if algorithm == 'cdrec':
max_rank = incomp_data.shape[1] - 1
temp_rank_range = [i for i in sh_params.CDREC_RANK_RANGE if i < max_rank]
if not temp_rank_range:
raise ValueError("No suitable rank found within CDREC_RANK_RANGE for the given matrix shape!")
configs = [(np.random.choice(temp_rank_range),
np.random.choice(sh_params.CDREC_ITERS_RANGE)) for _ in range(num_configs)]
elif algorithm == 'iim':
configs = [(np.random.choice(sh_params.IIM_LEARNING_NEIGHBOR_RANGE))
for _ in range(num_configs)]
elif algorithm == 'mrnn':
configs = [(np.random.choice(sh_params.MRNN_HIDDEN_DIM_RANGE),
np.random.choice(sh_params.MRNN_NUM_ITER_RANGE)) for _ in range(num_configs)]
elif algorithm == 'stmvl':
configs = [(np.random.choice(sh_params.STMVL_WINDOW_SIZE_RANGE),
np.random.choice(sh_params.STMVL_ALPHA_RANGE)) for _ in range(num_configs)]
raise ValueError(f"Invalid algorithm: {algorithm}")
for i in range(num_iterations):
# Calculate how much data to use in this iteration
end_idx = (i + 1) * chunk_size
partial_input_data = input_data[:end_idx]
partial_obfuscated = incomp_data[:end_idx]
scores = [self._objective(
Imputation.evaluate_params(partial_input_data, partial_obfuscated, config, algorithm),
metrics) for config in configs]
top_configs_idx = np.argsort(scores)[:max(1, len(configs) // reduction_factor)]
configs = [configs[i] for i in top_configs_idx]
if len(configs) <= 1:
break # Exit the loop if only 1 configuration remains
if not configs:
raise ValueError("No configurations left after successive halving.")
if algorithm == 'iim':
best_config = min(configs, key=lambda single_config: self._objective(
Imputation.evaluate_params(input_data, incomp_data, [single_config], algorithm),
best_config = min(configs, key=lambda config: self._objective(
Imputation.evaluate_params(input_data, incomp_data, config, algorithm), metrics))
best_score = self._objective(
Imputation.evaluate_params(input_data, incomp_data, best_config, algorithm), metrics)
# Check the size of param_names[algorithm]
if len(param_names[algorithm]) == 1:
# If only one parameter name, wrap best_config in a list if it's not already
best_config = [best_config] if not isinstance(best_config, list) else best_config
# Create the dictionary using zip
best_config_dict = {name: value for name, value in zip(param_names[algorithm], best_config)}
end_time = time.time()
print(f"\n\t\t> logs, optimization sh - Execution Time: {(end_time - start_time):.4f} seconds\n")
return best_config_dict, best_score
class RayTune(BaseOptimizer):
RayTune optimization strategy for hyperparameters.
def _objective(self, params, input_data, incomp_data, algorithm, used_metric):
Objective function for RayTune optimization.
print("\n\n\nPARAMS ", params)
imputer = utils.config_impute_algorithm(incomp_data, algorithm)
imputer.impute(user_def=True, params=params)
score = imputer.metrics.get(used_metric, "Key not found")
return score
def optimize(self, input_data, incomp_data, metrics=["RMSE"], algorithm="cdrec", n_calls=1, max_concurrent_trials=-1):
Perform Ray Tune optimization for hyperparameters.
input_data : numpy.ndarray
The ground truth time series dataset.
metrics : list of str, optional
List of selected metrics for optimization (default is ["RMSE"]).
algorithm : str, optional
The imputation algorithm to optimize (default is 'cdrec').
n_calls : int, optional
Number of calls to the objective function (default is 10).
max_concurrent_trials : int, optional
Number of trials run in parallel, related to your total memory / cpu / gpu (default is 2).
Please increase the value if you have more resources
A tuple containing the best parameters and their corresponding score.
if not ray.is_initialized():
used_metric = metrics[0]
if max_concurrent_trials == -1:
total_cpus = max(1, sum(node["Resources"].get("CPU", 0) for node in ray.nodes() if node["Alive"]) - 1)
total_memory_gb = sum(node["Resources"].get("memory", 0) for node in ray.nodes() if node["Alive"]) / (1024 ** 3)
print(f"\n\t\t(OPTI) > Ray Total accessible CPU cores for parallelization: {total_cpus}")
print(f"\n\t\t(OPTI) > Ray Total accessible memory for parallelization: {total_memory_gb:.2f} GB")
max_concurrent_trials = min(int(total_memory_gb // 2), total_cpus)
print(f"\n\t\t(OPTI) > Ray tune max_concurrent_trials {max_concurrent_trials}, for {n_calls} calls and metric {used_metric}\n")
start_time = time.time() # Record start time
search_space = RAYTUNE_PARAMS[algorithm]
print(f"\n\t\t(OPTI) > Ray tune - SEARCH SPACE: {search_space}\n")
def objective_wrapper(config):
params = {key: config[key] for key in config}
score = self._objective(params, input_data, incomp_data, algorithm, used_metric)
if score is None or not isinstance(score, (int, float)):
raise ValueError("\n\n\n\t\t\tRAY_TUNE OBJECTIVE ERROR) >> Invalid score returned from _objective")
except Exception as e:
print(f"\n\n\n\t\t\t(RAY_TUNE OBJECTIVE ERROR) >> Error in objective function: {e}")
score = float("inf") # Return worst possible score
return {used_metric: score} # Ensures correct format
analysis =
print(f"\n\t\t(OPTI) > Ray tune - BEST CONFIG: {analysis.best_config}\n")
end_time = time.time()
print(f"\n\t\t> logs, optimization ray tune - Execution Time: {(end_time - start_time):.4f} seconds_____\n")
return analysis.best_config